Play nice
You are always invited to comment on my blog. However I have a zero tolerance policy for rude, offensive or otherwise negative behavior. So play nice and respect the authors, artists and fellow visitors. Share love, not hate. Also please refrain from politics, and if you do want to write something about politics then please discuss ideas and visions rather than (specific) people.
Please respect my commenting policy.
Do not use my comment section for commercial purposes. Promoting your own blog or YouTube channel might be allowed, as long as this is not the sole purpose (and content) of your comment. Add something meaningful to AP first before you invite my visitors to visit you. If you did that, feel free to mention your own work.
Promoting commercial products (like therapy, courses, yoga mats, whatever) is not allowed as this conflicts with the affiliate programs.
If you don’t act in line with the spirit of AP, your comment can be removed without any notice in advance. You can also get yourself banned.
If action has been taken against you and you feel this isn’t fair, please let me know and we’ll talk.
Buy me a coffee
This blog is and always will be free. Do you like my blog? I love writing it! I also love coffee. So if you feel this blog gave you something positive, why not buy me a coffee?
Plant a tree
If you would like to share your appreciation for this blog but not to me personally, you can join a global movement and plant a tree for us all.
Let's collaborate
If you are an artist such as a photographer and you would like some exposure, just contact me. Guest articles are usually on my request. But hey, why not give it a try if you wrote something good?
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