Chakras series 3See all articles

These articles appeared in the Chakras series.
Articles in this series explain what chakras are and how they work.

Close Photography of Water Drops

The Sacral chakra

The Sacral chakra is the temple of our emotions, movement, change and fluids. Often called the Sex chakra it is closely related to lust and pleasure. It’s demon is ‘guilt’. The key to a healthy Sacral chakra is bringing balance to our pleasures, connections, emotions and judgements. That means to lust rather than crave, to understand rather than judge. To be flexible as water, without giving up on our values and morals.

 10 min|24 Apr 2021|| 34|Chakras series

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Canyon, Arizona

The Root chakra

The solid base of the Seven Main Chakras is Muladhara or the Root chakra. This chakra is the foundation of our being and our temple on earth, the body. This chakra is all about our roots and basic needs. How was our upbringing? How grounded are we? Do we feel safe? How well do we feed ourselves (both literally and figuratively)? The so called demon of this chakra is ‘fear’. Therefore transcending most problems related to this chakra, means facing your fears.

 8 min|3 Apr 2021|| 30|Chakras series

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